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Lupe Tortilla – Houston, TX

I know I’ve mentioned it on this blog before, but until I moved to Oklahoma I rarely ate Mexican food.  I’m really not sure why, especially considering my parents live near several Hispanic parts of town.  I also never ate avocados until I moved here.  Now I buy avocados weekly and eat them straight, almost always order guacamole at restaurants, and eat Mexican food pretty regularly.  I still hardly ever eat Mexican when I go back to Maryland, but I’m on a mission to change that starting this summer.

One of my favorite Mexican restaurants in Texas is Lupe Tortilla.  The first time I went was 6 years ago on my first Houston caravan trip.  We met one of the coaches there, and he introduced us to the platinum margarita.  Quite possibly one of the best margaritas I’ve ever had.

I’ve tried to branch out and try other Mexican restaurants while I’m in Houston, but I always end up back at Lupe Tortilla.  The others I’ve been to are very good, but this one is hard to top.

The day of the caravan I had planned to get up really early, drive down to Galveston for a few hours, and come back to town in time for lunch at Lupe Tortilla.  Very long story short, I had issues with a tire on my rental car, hit lots of traffic, and never made it to Galveston.  But I wasn’t going to let that stop me from lunch.  I found a location only a few miles from my hotel, and headed out.

As always chips come out almost immediately, and they’re served with borracho beans instead of salsa.

Lupe Tortilla, Houston TX - Karyl's Kulinary KrusadeLupe Tortilla, Houston TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

The chips are warm and fresh, and the beans put them over the top.  I could seriously just eat a huge bowl of the beans.  The broth is so flavorful. Who needs salsa when you have this deliciousness?

The platinum margarita is really delicious but also super potent.  So I decided to be kind of good and go with the skinny margarita instead

Lupe Tortilla, Houston TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

Man, I wasn’t prepared for the kick!  It was so good.  And they still use fresh lime juice. I’m always going to have a margarita when they make them with fresh juice.  Since I had to get back to the hotel and then on to the caravan, one was more than enough for me.

The regular portion of the fajitas is massive, and enough for 2-3 people.  So I was going to pass on them, and try something else instead.  But then I came across the lunch menu and there they were.

Lupe Tortilla, Houston TX - Karyl's Kulinary KrusadeLupe Tortilla, Houston TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

I don’t know what they do to the fajita meat, but it is like biting into heaven.  The meat is so moist and tender. The spices and flavor are just amazing.  The lunch portion is absolutely the perfect size, especially when you’ve been munching on chips and beans. They’ve also got this cheese sauce.  It’s more liquid than queso, but still really delicious. It has a little bit of a kick.  They only give you a small amount, but it was just enough.

The tortillas are homemade and huge, and served warm.  There’s nothing like homemade. I was full, but I kept munching on the tortillas.

Lupe Tortilla, Houston TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

The rice and beans were good, but I concentrated so much on the fajitas and tortillas I only had room for a few bites of each.

Of course I’m going back.  As soon as I go back to Houston.

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Karyl Henry

Tuesday 28th of July 2015

Thank you! My mouth waters every time I look at the pics! Not sure yet what the menu is for next Friday...

Kathleen Aherne

Tuesday 28th of July 2015

Well Karyl you are awesome at describing that lunch, I almost felt like I was eating it with you. Makes me want to go to a Mexican restaurant right now. Thanks for bringing this fine food to Fridays Blog Booster Party #16 What is on the menu next FridayKathleen

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