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My Krusade…

Well, in less than 24 hours my Krusade has expanded! I’ve decided to add a couple of new twists to this blog…

“The 100” – The original mission to eat at 100 new and unique restaurants in the next 18 months, with the following simple rules…

  • I’ve never eaten there before
  • no fast food (unless I’ve never eaten there)
  • no chains with more than 10 locations

“The Repeats…with a Twist” – I can’t just completely cut out all the restaurants I’ve been to in the past! Let’s be honest, options are pretty limited here in Stillwater. So I’ll have to go back to a few of my favorite spots. But the catch is, I have to try something different on the menu. There’s one exception restaurant, when I go home to visit my parents…you’ll see that post next month.

“Donning My Chef’s Hat”– I know it looks like I eat out all the time, but it’s just the opposite. As a matter of fact, I cook dinner at home almost every night. I have my standard go-to recipes, but just like eating out, I get tired of rotating the same stuff every 2 weeks. So my last goal during this mission is to make at least one new recipe every week. I’m obsessed with Pinterest and find tons of recipes on there, so it shouldn’t be too hard!

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