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Snuffers Restaurant & Bar – Southlake, TX

A few weeks ago I was in Dallas visiting Joni.  Our days pretty much consist of me getting in a morning workout, deciding where to eat lunch, doing some shopping and/or nap, and deciding where to eat dinner.  It’s really quite simple, but fantastic at the same time.  We decided to head to Southlake on Friday for lunch, because I also needed to go to Sam Moon. That place is the mecca of inexpensive purses and accessories.  Not sure of the quality of most of it, but considering most items are $10-$20, it’s not designed to be long-lasting.

I had never eaten at Snuffer’s Restaurant & Bar, and Joni said it had great burgers and cheese fries, so I was sold.  Living in Stillwater, I’m very partial to Eskimo Joe’s cheese fries, and rate them everywhere else against Joe’s.  Joni assured me I would love them. According to the menu, cheese fries originated at Snuffer’s.

There are 6 locations throughout the DFW metro, and as I mentioned we went to the Southlake location. It’s on a corner, with a great outdoor patio that wraps around 2 sides of the restaurant.  There’s about 20 tables plus ceiling fans.  It was nice and breezy out as well, so a great atmosphere.   We started with a glass of wine, and a single order of the cheese fries, with the toppings on the side.  She said the single would be more than enough, considering we were ordering a meal as well.

Snuffer's, Southlake TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

I have to say, these definitely rival Joe’s.  They were hot and fresh, and the cheese was ooey gooey and delicious.  It had a smoky flavor that I really liked.  We opted for the toppings on the side, which in hindsight was a great idea.  Toppings might limit the number of fries in the container. Joni was right, it was a good thing we just got the single serving.  I wish Joe’s would offer a smaller size option, because they really do give you a lot.

Joni got the burger platter, with a salad and mashed potatoes as sides.

Snuffer's, Southlake TX - Karyl's Kulinary KrusadeSnuffer's, Southlake TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

She said the burger was really good.  I tried a bite of the mashed potatoes, and they were wonderful as well.  They were very creamy, and the gravy had a good flavor.

I got the fried jalapeno burger and onion rings.  I went with the rings because the server said they were breaded

Snuffer's, Southlake TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

Fried jalapenos, pepper jack cheese, spicy chipotle dressing, tomatoes, red onions

Snuffer's, Southlake TX - Karyl's Kulinary Krusade

The onion rings were battered, which was very disappointing when I saw them.  But one bite and I couldn’t complain, because they were crunchy, freshly cooked, and delicious. They were made with red onions, a very unique thing I haven’t seen anywhere else. And they were thicker cut than normal onion rings.  But that’s okay, because red onions are sweeter.  My burger was awesome.  The jalapenos still had a kick, but the frying toned them down a little.  I put the rest of the bacon from our cheese fries on the burger, and it added great flavor.

Will I go back?  No question.  The atmosphere was great, the food was really good, and I want another cheese fries. And maybe next time I’ll do a burger platter instead.

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